(Everything is Bizarre)
by Nupur Jha
From 1 to 14 September 2023
Tuesday to Saturday 2-5pm
Opening on Friday 1 September at 4.30pm
« Vichitra » (विचित्र) is a word in Hindi which means Bizarre, Odd, Striking, Unconventional, Outlandish and Obscure in nature.
Nupur focuses on the idiosyncrasies of everyday life, highlighting the fact that everything around is strange and yet so beautiful.
Feeling a deep connection with colours, she believes they are her mute storytellers on a canvas.
Speechless yet sometimes loud, they have an extraordinary way of communicating their presence. One cannot help but notice them on the canvas.
Remaining behind the curtains of time, they appear timeless, undated. They can reveal a lot about what’s going into an artist’s mind, but they never speak of her. Expressing all through layers, patterns, and textures, yet revealing nothing. They choose when they prefer to speak and choose when to remain quiet.
The Canvas is their playground of words.
The homophone of its ‘new’ or the Colours ‘knew’, the audience’s ‘eye’ or the Colours ‘I’, the joys of a silent cacophony on the chalkboard of creativity.
About the artist
Nupur holds a master’s degree in business economics and has been working in the banking industry across India and the UAE for the past 16 years. At work, she specializes in data analytics, governance, and managing strategic initiatives. Along with her work, she used to allocate some of her spare time to Art. However, she eventually realized Art was not just a by-the-side engagement, there was a sense of deeper connection and fulfillment coming her way.
Life is an antinomy, and this is one such example.
Her evolution as an artist started the moment, she overcame her quest to guide the paintbrush to create a form that the masses could identify with. This letting go has helped to recognize her unique form of expression & style. She has developed an intricate bond with colours, patterns, textures & adores abstract expressionism. She believes the colours remain behind the curtains of time, they appear timeless, undated. They tend to reveal a lot about what’s going on in an artist’s mind, but they never speak of her. Expressing a lot, yet revealing nothing. While busy painting, she can visualize her colours bringing in unusual perspectives with every stroke and they emerge as perfect storytellers, albeit the one on the canvas.
The profound expressions & narratives in colour, draw her to be one with the paintbrush and canvas for hours on a stretch, for those intimate conversations with creativity. This is the time she will not trade for anything else in the world. Over a period, she has realized her rendezvous with the canvas is becoming noticeably lengthier, much like the journey of the colours on the canvas. Before she knew it, her artwork had grown from 100 cm to 500 cm-sized canvases. And she smiles when she says, ‘some journeys and conversations must last forever.’
Nupur believes Art is based on the fundamentals of Cause & Effect’. ‘The Cause’ of the art develops from the Artist’s inner quest and the desire to express and ‘the Effect’ of which is on the well-being, prosperity, and the feeling of admiration in the art owners. She sums it up with her profound love and admiration for Art.
When you are considering an artwork, it must communicate with you and blend with or define your taste. It must call you out to explore deeper into it. That is the enduring bond between a patron and the art. When one buys an artwork, there is a recognition that it is not just a canvas, but a tangible piece of energy that is created just for you. The price you pay for artwork is the value of this lifelong but silent exchange. It is thus important you know your artist.