Sridar K.
From 23 August to 7 September 2024
Tuesday to Saturday
9.30am-12.30pm & 1.30-5.30pm
Opening on Friday 23 August at 4.30pm

The unknown side of Sridar is a buried memory.His father was a temple artist, of his childhood he keeps memories of marvels and an absolute devotion for the masterpieces he could admire throughout India, and make his own – the sculptures, the bas reliefs, the Ellora and Ajanta frescoes.
From childhood emerge, in layers, strips of memories, from the temples’ peeling paintings, to the torn cinema posters, very vivid sensations of the age of learning that come up in many different shapes and colors on the walls of the village.
Later, he blurred the tracks, pretending to forget this prodigiously ancient world whose echoes continue to filter through his porous-looking stratigraphies, like those of a mural.Pretending to forget, in order to scratch these overlapping wonders with fingernails and rediscover every time with a thrill that beauty is everywhere, in these ravines of times and dirty walls, and that the divine is always there, within reach of artists eager for space and lost details.What Sridar paints, he considers as a separate entity from which he acquires knowledge. He listens to the universe, he is the recipient of lost secrets, of forgotten passages.Dominique Jacques 2024

About the artist

Sridar K. is an artist from Pondicherry who has a bachelor's degree in fine arts from the University of Pondicherry and a master from Government College of fine Arts, Chennai. He participated to numerous group and solo exhibitions and won some award, the latest was Silver Medal Puduvai Oviakalai Narsavai Iyakkam.