Mario D'Souza
From 7 to 27 February 2025
Tuesday to Friday 2 to 5.30pm
Saturday 10 to 12.30 & 2 to 5.30
Opening on Friday 7 February at 4.30

With his iconic playfulness and vibrant use of colours, Mario d’Souza aims at creating a sur mesure decor, transforming traditional Indian patterns and everyday objects into a graphic pop installation.
The motif no longer has a scale, at times nestling in an embroidery, invading space, limitless, it can be found at the bend of a piece of furniture, painted on a window, or sometimes, stripped to its essence, it becomes the source of inspiration from which emerges a vivid creation.
The installation - bridging the distinction between art and craftsmanship - is a celebration of a community made up of a variety of objects. The artist, with his talent for assembling and linking diverse worlds, is able to create harmony while illuminating differences.
The relationship between Mario d’Souza and Auroville started in 2019 through an art residency program at la Petite Maison Auroville. Centre d’Art is thrilled to have him back and host his new exhibition.
About the artist

Mario d’Souza was born in 1973 in Bangalore. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Fine Arts, at the MSU in Baroda, Gujarat, at the age of 22, he left India to visit France, while on a scholarship from ‘École des Beaux-Arts’.
Mario since then lives between France and India, where, thanks to his talent, he has received numerous grants, has taken part in many artistic residencies as well as solo and group exhibitions in both countries.
To name just a few: Home away from home (St Gaudens, France, 2020), Sense of power a Carte Blanche at the Mobilier National of Paris (2018) and Vesta project in Delhi (2020).