by Eric Chacra
17th September to 2nd October
2.30pm-5pm – Gallery 1 – Sunday closed
Opening Friday September 17th 4.30pm

I was fortunate to be able to organize my schedule at my convenience in order to visit my clients on foot most of the time.
Time… A space for oneself and others, a precious value nowadays, in my point of view.
The path that is unique to me in the art of photography involves trying to keep the heart open (to open it more and more integrally) and to work on attention. The hardest thing for me is not to try to take pictures. My idea is also to cultivate my mind in the practice of different artistic disciplines that would give me inspiration. And then, no external constraint to make the photos a luxury…
A sentence I like (which is not mine): If you understand, things are as they are, if you don’t understand, things are as they are.
Berlin, the idea :
Coming from Paris where most people are very sensitive when someone they don’t know is taking a picture of them (street photography), Berlin was at the time of those photos (1998-2010) a place where I could carry my camera and relax.It proceeds from the same idea as the previous exhibition with the pictures from France : forget that I have a camera, forget the will to take a photo, quiet mental and … shoot !
And then, discover myself through the pictures where I can observe if they were taken by Eric or by … the Ericness…