Curated by It Matters
From 19th to 26th August 2023
Monday to Saturday 2pm-5pm
Opening on Saturday 19th August 4.30pm

On the occasion of the International Photography Day – August 19th – It Matters is delighted to present the outcome of a discovery Cyanotype workshop held on August 12th 2023. Ten artists from different backgrounds spent one day exploring the theme of Mythical Reveal.
The common guideline was to use an element of papaya. It is a local fruit that holds many properties, symbolisms & myths and in that sense offers many possibilities, as does the Cyanotype technique.
Cyanotype is a process of photographic contact print. It was discovered in 1842 by Sir John Herschel while investigating the effect of light on iron compounds expecting that photochemical reactions would reveal, in form visible to the human eye. Cyanotype gives the colour cyan, giving a greenish-blue notable tints and shades. One can say that the only limitation with Cyanotype is one’s imagination.
The inspiration process was experienced differently by each artist. It manifested through the organic elements gathered, through personal stories and memories as well as through the creative force of nature. And thanks to the multidisciplinary art background of each participant – painting, ceramic, drawing, metal work, photography, design, textile – the final prints are all unique while coming together in blue unity.
Artists: Lisa Suchanek, Chetana Deorah, Kalaivani, Ganesan L., Grace Gitadelila, Julie, Manjula Selvam, Manou, Saravana Deivasegamani, Visvanath. K.